Wednesday, November 10, 2010


I'm not interested in facebook la. I'm bored of it. Nothing to see and I feel like it's some small kid thing. Every minute someone post something up but I barely see any lines that could capture my attention. Sien.. I have switched channels. No more onlining, chatting and checking out on people. Now I'm a big fan of 92.9, which is =D Music, music and music! Maybe it's because the songs nowadays are good!! I remembered there was once almost all the songs on radio tortured my ears.

I was stressed until I no longer feeling the stress. hehe! Now I'm waiting for exam. I haven't finish studying but it's okay, I have 3 more weeks. I'll study and absorp what I can. When I feel like sleeping, I sleep. When I feel like watching tv, I watch. I'll do what I feel like doing. No pressure! This saturday a couple is getting married in church. Congratulations Theva&Wensue!!!! 3rd wedding for the year.

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