Friday, April 30, 2010


Everytime you feel happy, sad, angry, frustrated, etc., remember that you are not alone. So many out there are feeling the same way. Never think that you are the worst out of the worst!!

"Time can heal all wounds". I believe! Some people might think it's not true and that's because they need lots and lots of time. A year or 2 is very long but they need to know that they may need to give themselves 4 or 5 years to get over their sadness. Most of the people know how it feels to be heartbroken waiting for something that is impossible. Nobody likes that feeling, me too! Waiting is so tiring and torturing. Want to give up but are unwilling to give up.Want to move on but unable to move on. Want to take a step forward but no courage. Want to stop thinking but that's when one thinks most. Everything is in a mess when one procrastinates. Everything is very simple but our feelings are making things difficult for ourselves! Wish that it will come to an end soon!


  1. dun worry, be happy, everything will be fine!=D

  2. like this post...i had the same feeling too... everything will be alright, and that all the crap you are going through will someday be worth it.:)tht's what you and i hoping it to be
    ~Pik Ngan~

  3. yup yup!! hopefully that day will come very soon. =D
